Ricardo SIGNES wrote:
* David Golden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-11-14T08:56:32]

Pod syntax checking is there already as "testpod". It would be fairly trivial to add "testpodcover", but I suspect that never happened because "testcover" does it already through Devel::Cover.

Test::Pod::Coverage needs to evaluate the Perl code it is
coverage-testing.  It has been said that no CPANTS test will do that.

Sorry for the confusion. I was responding to a query about Module::Build, which already does have a "testpod" action. E.g.:

  $ perl Build.PL
  $ Build
  $ Build test
  $ Build testpod

Likewise, there's a "testcover" action that runs Devel::Cover on the test suite:

  $ Build testcover

Devel::Cover will include pod coverage testing if Pod::Coverage is installed.


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