On Nov 21, 2005, at 10:51 AM, Christopher Hicks wrote:

Hmmm. I can have extra pain every time I'm installing something to avoid occassionally getting something I don't want or I can have pain every thousandth time I install something because oopsie I got something extra. It doesn't seem like a hard choice to me. Let's just say your many people aren't the same folks as my any people. ;-)

The lack of distname support due to anal retentive accident avoidance in CPAN is utterly odd considering the culture of DWIMery that is so much a part of Perl. I'm not surprised that one person would think this was good, but the whole Perl community acquiescing to it is quite a shock.

Think about what would happen if Satan uploaded a malicious distribution called "PathTools" with a higher version number than mine. You'd want the whole world to get Satan's distribution by default, just so they can save a couple keystrokes?

Also, "lack of distname support" is overblowing the situation. Distnames are supported perfectly fine as long as you put it in the proper syntax with author's ID and version.


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