On Fri, Dec 02, 2005 at 07:32:04PM -0800, Eric Wilhelm wrote:
> >It's better than the other examples, which doesn't mean it is good.
> >  How about FileFormat:: ?
> >
> >FileFormat::GBF - Front end to GBF read/write interface
> >FileFormat::GBF::Parser
> >...
> Ok, but it's just SoooLoonng.
> I think Austin has a good point about searching.  Once we can find a 
> module, the name doesn't mean much _except_ when you're using it (be it 
> daily or occasional coding.)
> I tend to detest the long names that too much discussion about hierarchy 
> has forced on us...
>   use My::Really::Long::Module::Name;
>   my $obj = My::Really::Long::Module::Name->new();
> ... is just _almost_ tedious enough to warrant copy/paste, but  not 
> quite.

        Have you seen Package::Alias? That may help, if you end up typing
it over and over.

> That said, I would much rather see all file-format parsing/writing 
> modules go under FileFormat:: than Parse::.  Yes, the search engine 
> (while it may have to be google rather than search.cpan.org) can find 
> things for us, but we don't want to need a search engine to remember 
> the name of a familiar (ok, acquaintance) module.

        I have to do these sorts of things anyway, but I have a particularly
bad memory. Is it Socket::INET? IO::Socket::Inet? IO::Socket::INET? 

        Anyway, if you have a given module installed there should be some
equivalent to `man -k` to find it. I'm not sure if there is, but there
_should be_.

> This also plays into managing an installed base of modules, distributing 
> modules, etc.  IMO, a distribution shouldn't have to break out of a 
> single root.  Starting with Parse, Info, ... means you're stuck (maybe 
> just stuck looking silly, but still stuck.)
> FF:: is good for me, but I'll take FileFormat:: over Parse::, Info::, 
> Flash::, QuantumPhysics::, etc. just to have a single TLNS for 
> file-formats.

        Well, Flash:: seems most sensible to me, but if I can find it,
well, you know...


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