Title: RE: New Module Proposal - Math::Interval

>* Orton, Yves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-03-03 10:05]:
>>Im actually trying to think of a module that I use that has a CamelHump
>>name and have come up blank. Im sure they exist but im pretty sure I
>>dont use them...

>>ByteLoader? ExtUtils::MakeMaker? Term::ReadLine? Math::BigInt? Math::BigFloat? Closing
>>`perlmodlib` (and I didn't quote the lesser known ones)... DateTime? Data::FormValidator?
>>HTML::LinkExtor? HTML::TokeParser? Email::LocalDelivery? Set::CrossProduct?

Ah, yeah, EUMM, ok i use that  one. The rest, never or rarely.

And I still think that form sucks. :-)


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