Greetings and salutations,

I am seeking advice for namespace selection for a smart card interface
module, as I have read through all of the faqs on, as well as
Life With CPAN and perl*mod*, and have thus far been unable to come up
with a consistent and current answer.

I am currently working on a high-level interface for a particular
brand of MCU smart card (the ACOS2).  This module will initially rely
heavily upon the Chipcard::PCSC and Chipcard::PCSC::Card modules, and
thus I would naturally assume it belongs under that hierarchy.  I am
planning on testing and working on modules for various other
manufacturers, and potentially basing them upon the same underlying
support modules, assuming that the PC/SC interface is flexible enough
to meet my needs.

My question, therefore, is this: Should this module be called:

- or -
Something::Else::ACOS2  ?

Since Chipcard::PCSC and C::P::Card are both by the same author, I am
not sure about polluting his namespace with an inappropriate module,
but there are also drawbacks to placing it so far down the hierarchy,
as previously mentioned in the old Master Modules List (that is no
longer being maintained).

It is also possible that at some point in the future, it may be
beneficial to move this out from under the PC/SC tree and into a more
generic hierarchy, as I may end up relying upon another driver and/or
module to perform the backend communication (OpenSC/CT, pkcs11, etc),
and thus I would to like to do future-proofing as early as possible. 
(However, moving modules around might be just worth a separate
submission later, as it would likely entail a fairly substantial

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thank you kindly,

Jason McManus

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