On 9/20/06, David E. Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Sep 15, 2006, at 21:37, Darren Duncan wrote:
> ...
> Or, perhaps the best piece of feedback I can get short term is what
> to name the module, knowing that it is meant to be temporary.  I
> thought "quick and dirty" would work well enough for the purpose,
> like it did for QDOS back in the '80s.

Best of luck to you on this project, Darren. It sounds like a good idea.

I wonder if there should be a QD:: domain on CPAN for stuff like
this? ;-)

I think a QD:: domain is a bad idea.  When I know that the interface
may undergo severe changes, I append a 0 to the name, for instance
the QD version of Dog::Walk might be called Dog::Walk0 to indicate
QD nature more strongly than a version number with a lot of leading
zeros would.  When the interface settles down, release Dog::Walk,
then do bug fixes, performance enhancements, and add new features
in a backwards-compatible way.

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