David Landgren wrote:
> I recommend against deleting it, because that only add fuel to the fire.
> The crackpot who uploaded this drivel in the first place will be able to
> crow freedom of speech and it's all a communist plot, there really is a
> perl cabal and they're out to get me and blah blah blah.

So what?  This guy is not contributing anything of value, and his PAUSE
ID is a generic trolling username.  The CPAN is a service to authors as
much as it is to users -- if you want your code to be mirrored on 1000s
of machines worldwide, at least make it do *something*.

I would look at it this way.  If a module is really useful and contains
a hateful comment here and there, I would ask the author nicely to
reconsider his choice of words, but I wouldn't delete the module from
the CPAN.  Similarly, if a module is pretty much useless, but it's funny
in good taste (Acme::), then I would also never consider deleting it.

But when it's useless AND in bad taste, it's not doing anything good for
anyone, so why should the CPAN mirror it?  What's the advantage for anyone?

If I were in charge, this module would be deleted and the PAUSE account
disabled.  If the author would like to try again, he can register with
his real name, upload some good code, and he will be welcomed to the
community.  But someone needs to draw the line saying that useless hate
speech is not what the CPAN is for.  Otherwise the CPAN is going to
become slashdot without a moderation system, and people are going to
stop mirroring it.

> I would also recommend writing your (*) opinion about the module by
> means of reviews on cpanratings, as well as annocpan and cpan::forum.
> That way a third party will understand that the module is not condoned
> by the general Perl community.

This is probably exactly what the author wants.  Think about how much of
everyone's time he's wasted already -- in the end, time we spend
discussing hate speech on CPAN::Forum is time that we could have spent
making our CPAN modules better.

Delete and be done with it.

package JAPH;use Catalyst qw/-Debug/;($;=JAPH)->config(name => do {
$,.=reverse qw[Jonathan tsu rehton lre rekca Rockway][$_].[split //,
";$;"]->[$_].q; ;for 1..4;$,=~s;^.;;;$,});$;->setup;

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