On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 8:26 PM, Ricardo SIGNES
>  I am going to be verbose and pedantic.  Please know that I am not trying to
>  sound like a jerk:

I think I know your style well enough by now (virtually) to know
you're not being a jerk.  ;-)

>  In the CPAN, there are dists, which are largely "any understood archive, but
>  especially one that contains either META.yml or is laid out with modules and
>  other stuff we recognize."  META.yml helps make clear what a dist is.  Dists
>  have prerequisites.  Packages don't.  That's why it's important to have a 
> dist
>  as a thing.

Awesome!  Now I see what you're getting at.  I like the idea of tying
this to META.yml a lot.  Several things immediately fall out of that:

* tarballs without META.yml become "badly formed" distributions

* the "name" parameter in META.yml is the key to indexing
distributions.  Distributions that use a name that has already been
"claimed" by a prior META.yml could be treated as "unauthorized" the
same way package namespace collisions work today.  That would help
disambiguate names

* a distribution tarball name should be the concatenation of its
"name" and "version" from META.yml followed by an archive suffix.
That doesn't exist as a Kwalitee metric, but could/should be added.

* the META.yml spec could/should be revised to include a "uploaded_by"
item that must be the CPAN author ID of the person who uploaded it.
That would allow the physical location in a CPAN repository to be
determined pretty exactly just from a META.yml

>  Now, is this useful?

Yes.  The addition of dependency chain to the "platonic ideal" of a
distribution and the use of META.yml as a marker tie it together.

>  My disagreement with this should be clear from the above.  I think that using
>  02packages as a source for distribution indexing is going to be a losing
>  proposition.

>From my comments above, I think we're now in agreement.  Verbose and
pedantic helped.



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