* David Golden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-03-26T21:00:01]
> On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 8:26 PM, Ricardo SIGNES
> >  In the CPAN, there are dists, which are largely "any understood archive,
> >  but especially one that contains either META.yml or is laid out with
> >  modules and other stuff we recognize."  META.yml helps make clear what a
> >  dist is.  Dists have prerequisites.  Packages don't.  That's why it's
> >  important to have a dist
> >  as a thing.
> * tarballs without META.yml become "badly formed" distributions

Just so.  We can politely call them "legacy" distributions, in many cases. :)

> * the "name" parameter in META.yml is the key to indexing distributions.
> Distributions that use a name that has already been "claimed" by a prior
> META.yml could be treated as "unauthorized" the same way package namespace
> collisions work today.  That would help disambiguate names

Maybe... this may require further thought.  The fact that nothing "claims" dist
names now lets us avoid having to worry about it.  Each uploaded dist with a
given name is just another branch.

> * a distribution tarball name should be the concatenation of its "name" and
> "version" from META.yml followed by an archive suffix.  That doesn't exist as
> a Kwalitee metric, but could/should be added.


> * the META.yml spec could/should be revised to include a "uploaded_by"
> item that must be the CPAN author ID of the person who uploaded it.
> That would allow the physical location in a CPAN repository to be
> determined pretty exactly just from a META.yml

Yeah, in writing Module::Faker, this became clear to me.  Instead, it goes into
the Faker-specific data for now.  I'd love to start a dialog about tweaks to
META.yml sometime soon, possibly amongst friends in a Scandinavian

> >  My disagreement with this should be clear from the above.  I think that
> >  using 02packages as a source for distribution indexing is going to be a
> >  losing proposition.
> From my comments above, I think we're now in agreement.  Verbose and
> pedantic helped.

At this rate, I'll never learn to stfu!


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