On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 12:46 PM, Ricardo SIGNES <

> * Bill Ward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-09-30T15:12:22]
> > Since anyone can upload code to CPAN, not all modules are of the same
> high
> > quality as others.  I feel it is very important to vet each and every
> module
> > that I install.  But with the auto-install behavior, modules that I want
> to
> > install may have dependencies on other modules that I don't feel
> comfortable
> > installing, and I want to have the opportunity to consider each one
> before I
> > go ahead and install it.  So I don't like auto-install.  I want it to
> stop
> > and complain that the other module is missing, so I can go over to the
> > Web site, look up that module, see who wrote it, read its documentation,
> > scan its code, and get a feel for whether I'm comfortable installing it
> > before doing so.
> I wish I had that kind of free time.

It's a big part of my job to ensure that our tech stack at work doesn't get
corrupted by bad code.

Try setting the env var PERL_AUTOINSTALL to --check or --skip.  Or
> --check,--skip

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.

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