On Monday 29 September 2008 10:59:09 Michael G Schwern wrote:

> Matt S Trout wrote:
> > use inc::Module::Install;

> I will say it again:  Module::Install is the greatest threat to CPAN
> stability.


Autobundling is fine for end-user all-in-one no-user-servicable-parts-inside 
applications, but the CPAN is not the place for static linking.  It would be 
nice not to drag Perl kicking and screaming back into the 1970s.

I'm still trying to figure out what's the problem with adding '0.31' to 
the 'use Module::Build;' line in a Build.PL, and how autobundling could 
possibly be ever a good idea in a CPAN distribution.

-- c

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