2008/9/30 Michael G Schwern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> chromatic wrote:
>> s/Module::Install/Autobundling/
>> Autobundling is fine for end-user all-in-one no-user-servicable-parts-inside
>> applications, but the CPAN is not the place for static linking.  It would be
>> nice not to drag Perl kicking and screaming back into the 1970s.
> Autobundling is fine AS LONG AS the bundled version gives way to a newer
> installed version.

I suspect needs to be a little bit more robust than just giving way
because that doesn't give you proper "reach back in time" capability.

Really, inc::Module::Build needs to not only be able to know that the
installed one is newer than it, but that if that is the case it should
use an entry point to loading Module::Build specifically for that it.

That would avoid cluttering up the regular M:B bootstrap, and let you
concentrate all the compatibility weirdness for handling old bundled
stuff in one separate place.

So then you get

use inc::Module::Build;

... which loads...

use Module::Build::BundleCompany;

... which then has the option of doing various things before actually loading...

use Module::Build;

... and returning back to the Build.PL code.

The key theme to all this new stuff is that it should be able to reach
back in time on it's own and pull forwards anything we don't currently
know is broken. Making a specific place for current-MB to trigger
future-MB seems like a nice extra safeguard, since we have the chance
to build it in from the beginning.

Adam K

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