[just sent to module-authors, as this is hardly a p5p matter any more]

Quoth [EMAIL PROTECTED] ("David Golden"):
> On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 1:53 PM, Ben Morrow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I use it both for the declarative syntax and because it allows me to
> > type
> >
> >    /path/to/perl Makefile.PL
> >    make test
> >
> > in a dev directory with a fresh install of perl and get all the
> > dependencies installed for me. Since I keep lots of versions of perl
> > around and try to test my modules on all of them, this is highly
> > convenient.
> Is that with auto-install?  I guess I can see that purpose, though
> auto-install can be a real annoyance to end-users otherwise.

Yes, it is. Auto-install can be useful to end users, of course, when
installing something that isn't on CPAN but has CPAN dependancies; but
the annoyance I can certainly see. Back before M::I played nicely with
a running CPAN shell it used to be *incredibly* annoying, particularly
on Win32.

> I'd probably do it this way with a recent version of CPAN.pm:
>    $ /path/to/perl -MCPAN -e shell
>    cpan> test .

I didn't know about that: thanks.


And if you wanna make sense / Whatcha looking at me for?          (Fiona Apple)
                            * [EMAIL PROTECTED] *

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