"Dana Hudes" schreef:
> Dr.Ruud:
>> Gabor Szabo:

>>> I guess we can implement everything with fork but I think -
>>> maybe because of my lack of experience in threads - that it will
>>> be better to use them than to fork.
>> I think it was Randal Schwartz who said something like: If the answer
>> involves threads, then the question was wrong.
> Then Randall is wrong

No, he wasn't. And isn't either. You are, and not only because you
misspelt his name.

> The Perl threading model is perhaps imperfect but the principle of
> threads is a part of many modern applications not to mention every
> modern OS including Solaris and MS windows xp

And they are happily moving away from it, see for example the new IE
design. With current hardware, forking nog longer has the issues that
many people just can't appear to forget about.

> Many client/server apps benefit from threading. Parallel processing
> hugely benefits from threading b/c you have readily-shared memory

Most wishes for "readily-shared memory" result from (and to) bad design.

Affijn, Ruud

"Gewoon is een tijger."

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