On Sat, Nov 01, 2008 at 01:25:17PM +0000, Ben Morrow wrote:
> Quoth [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Nicholas Clark):
> > $ /home/nclark/Sandpit/588ish/bin/perl -Mthreads -e0
> > This Perl not built to support threads
> > Compilation failed in require.
> > BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.
> No, this still doesn't work. Every 5.8, threaded or not, has threads.pm
> installed, so using it as a dependancy won't ensure your perl is
> threaded.

Trying to use it before writing the Makefile will Do The Right Thing:

  eval "use threads" || exit(0);

because even if it's installed, you can't 'use' it unless you've got
thread support.

David Cantrell | London Perl Mongers Deputy Chief Heretic

    Vegetarian: n: a person who, due to malnutrition caused by
      poor lifestyle choices, is eight times more likely to
      catch TB than a normal person

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