* On Thu, Apr 30 2009, Ivan Wills wrote:

> My module uses template toolkit templates.
> By manage I mean provide a command line tool to supply template parameters 
> and print
> out processed templates. My long term goal is to provide a infrastructure to 
> produce
> commands like catalyst.pl or h2xs which uses templates, instead of being 
> coded into the
> scripts/modules of those commands, so that you can override templates if you 
> don't like
> the defaults those programs use.

I would use the App:: namespace for this.  In the end, it doesn't really
matter what you name your module.  Concentrate on writing it, and worry
about naming later (or never).  People will find your module, even if
the name doesn't make sense.  (Examples: Moose, Catalyst.)

Also, don't worry about the people that want you to justify the module's
existence by explaining how it's different from other things.  The other
things are worth considering (the best code is code you didn't have to
write), but if you don't like the existing stuff and you can't fix it,
write your own.  You don't need to be accountable to anyone but

Jonathan Rockway

print just => another => perl => hacker => if $,=$"

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