On 28 Mar 2010, at 19:32, Elaine Ashton wrote:
> Jarkko and I were talking about it this morning - as he's not in favour of 
> pruning - while trying to think of a way around the size problem and he 
> reminded me of the idea that, if I recall correctly was Adreas' suggestion a 
> while back, there be an A, B and C 'PAN' of sorts where you could pull 
> varying degrees of content - sort of CPAN:Mini writ large. I don't think that 
> idea ever got any traction because it wouldn't really solve some of the 
> issues for the major upstream mirrors and the mechanics of deciding where to 
> draw the lines between them. I still think it's a good idea though.

We're nearly there if A == a CPAN::Mini style mirror, B == the current mirror 
pruned and C == backpan.

So the actions to make that happen are:

* give the current clients specific support for this
* generate a master mini mirror that other mini mirrors can pull from.
* prune

If we agree that this is a good solution I'm happy to do some work on it - I 
could host the mini master and I'd be happy to send Andreas a patch for CPAN.pm 
to support this scheme.

Andy Armstrong, Hexten

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