Daniel Pittman wrote:

Oh, and finally, if anyone has any comments on the module — for all that it is
really about as trivial as a module can be and all — I would welcome them
publicly or privately.

Attempted to test version 1.1.

I note in your Makefile.PL, you have:

    'Carp' => '0',
    'File::Find' => '0',
    'File::Temp' => '0',
    'Log::Any' => '0',
    'Log::Any::Adapter' => '0',
  'PREREQ_PM' => {
    'File::Basename' => '0',
    'Log::Any::Adapter::Base' => '0',
    'Log::Any::Adapter::Util' => '0',
    'Unix::Syslog' => '0'

Without claiming to understand anything about Dist::Zilla, my gut reaction is that your settings are wrong. Why are Log::Any and Log::Any::Adapter placed under BUILD_REQUIRES rather than PREREQ_PM?

Here's what I see in Log::Any::Adapter::Base:

package Log::Any::Adapter::Base;
use Log::Any;

My hunch is that you need Log::Any -- and none of the other Log::* modules -- in PREREQ_PM rather than in BUILD_REQUIRES.


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