On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 1:33 PM, Gabor Szabo <szab...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This whole thing makes me wonder, why do *you* really contribute to CPAN?

> Is it to participate in the community?

  Nah, I was already participating.  (Even more so, perhaps – I've been

Is it to get a virtual pat on the shoulder (or a beer in the bar) from
> other programmers?

  No.  Though there have been some good "pats" or "ego boosts" – good
reviews; seeing other distributions depending on mine; being distributed
with Mandriva – those are bonuses.

> Is it to make other people happy by letting them do their job easier?

  Sure.  Why not?

> Is it because you feel obligated as you are using other peoples code
> free of charge?

  Not "obligated", I think.  I am paying back a debt, but it is a debt
without obligations, if that makes sense.  Freely given, freely received,
freely offered in return.  But other than that, yeah – see below.

I would run a poll asking this question but I am not even sure in the
> possible answers and I'd be happy in more descriptive answers.
> So why do *you* contribute to CPAN?

  Because I could and felt like I should?

  The one distribution I have (so far), was originally just releasing a
brushed-up, rebranded version of the testing modules we used in-house.
There was no business logic or anything decidedly useless to others, so I
could release it without too much trouble.  And it was a non-trivial bunch
of code that could make others' jobs easier, the way open source had made
mine, so I felt like I should.

  I described it as "starting to pay back".


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