What an interesting question! One that should be part of the Perl Survey.

Let's face it. Most of us are ego tripped, self centric beings. In our 
community some are much more ego tripped than other. But the one thing that 
never cease to amaze me when it comes to the Perl community is how nice those 
"islands" are. 

I guess it's the therapeutic action of all those YAPCs, blogs, free stuff on 
CPAN (and maybe the large amount of consumed beer) that smooth the edges.

While reading the answers I noticed that two other used the word 'Ego'. They 
were a bit more diplomatic as they used it for themselves while I'm piggishly 
using it for most.

Ego is good! it's the only thing one really owns anyway.

Why this long winded mail? Ego of course, I like to read myself :) but also a 
question that may be of interest to all of us.

How do we help/make/force/lure _them_ to write modules?

I'm not complaining about not enough people contributing (more is not always 
better anyway) just wondering why 99,....% of the people using Perl are not 
contributing to CPAN. And what can/should we do about that?

I'll leave it to Gabor to start a nice thread about that subject. In the mean 
time I'll go pat myself on the back a bit more.

Cheers, Nadim.

PS: Gabor, good initiative and great link

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