On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 10:39 AM, Eric Wilhelm <enoba...@gmail.com> wrote:
> # from David Cantrell
> # on Monday 05 July 2010 06:31:
>>consider Module::Build, but be aware that for a great many
>>users it will introduce an extra dependency, as it was not in core
>> until 5.10.0.
> First, the "great many" is shrinking quickly, at least if Debian's
> "oldstable" is any indicator of what is "old" (etch includes 5.10 and
> will likely become "oldstable" this year.)  At that point, I would
> consider 5.8.8 as "obsolete" and anything older as "ridiculously
> obsolete".
> Second, 'configure_requires' takes care of the dependency automatically
> (given a non-obsolete CPAN client.)

FWIW, even the most up-to-date CPAN.pm comes broken out of the box for
configure_requires because we say we prefer the YAML module to read
the configure_requires out of $whatever.yml and don't fail-over to use
the thing that's actually packaged with perl.

I'd like to have this fixed both for 5.12.2 and in CPAN.pm but I've
been busy and haven't spent time corralling those cats.

Perhaps cpanminus is better? I haven't tried.


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