On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 09:25:26AM -0700, Eric Wilhelm wrote:
> >Agreed.  In research I did on CPAN modules that contain XS,
> >ExtUtils::MakeMaker was still used 10 times as often as Module::Build.
> It seems like authors lean toward EU::MM for XS because they've got so 
> many examples like that.  Also, M::B's documentation about xs_files 
> handling was not always clear (and keeping them in lib/ must somehow 
> seem non-obvious since that difference has caught a lot of people.)

Speaking of XS-based modules and Module::Build, it should perhaps be
observed that my ExtUtils::CChecker (a sortof "./configure"-alike
helper for build time) natively supports Module::Build, but so far no
real thoughts on EU::MM or M::I.


Suggestions/improvements/patches welcome. ;)

Paul "LeoNerd" Evans

ICQ# 4135350       |  Registered Linux# 179460

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