On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 4:44 AM, David Christensen <
dpchr...@holgerdanske.com> wrote:

> module-authors:
> I'm not sure where to ask this question, so please refer me to a better
> resource if there is one...
> I'm trying to implement a centralized exception generation function, say
> myconfess(), that I can use throughout my code.  myconfess() will do some
> things and then call Carp::confess().  I'd like the stack trace to appear to
> come from the point where myconfess() was called, rather than from where
> myconfess() calls Carp::confess().
> Carp includes two hashes which are supposed to enable this --
> %Carp::Internal and %Carp::CarpInternal.  I've tried both, but can't seem to
> get them working.  $Carp::CarpLevel does seem to work.
> Here's some demonstration code.  The eval's around Carp::confess() are
> there so that I can trap the exception, print it, and keep going:
> 2011-01-16 19:39:31 dpchrist@p43400e ~/sandbox
> $ nl -b a carp-internal.pl
>     1  #!/usr/bin/perl
>     2
>     3  package Foo;
>     4  use Carp;
>     5  $Carp::Internal{ __PACKAGE__ }++;
>     6  sub myconfess {
>     7      eval {
>     8          Carp::confess @_;
>     9      };
>    10      print $@, "\n";
>    11  }
>    12
>    13  package Bar;
>    14  use Carp;
>    15  sub myconfess {
>    16      local $Carp::CarpLevel = 2;
>    17      eval {
>    18          Carp::confess @_;
>    19      };
>    20      print $@, "\n";
>    21  }
>    22
>    23  package Baz;
>    24  use Carp;
>    25  $Carp::CarpInternal{ __PACKAGE__ }++;
>    26  sub myconfess {
>    27      eval {
>    28          Carp::confess @_;
>    29      };
>    30      print $@, "\n";
>    31  }
>    32
>    33  package main;
>    34  sub run {
>    35      Foo::myconfess('goodbye, cruel world!');
>    36      Bar::myconfess('goodbye, cruel world!');
>    37      Baz::myconfess('goodbye, cruel world!');
>    38  }
>    39  run();

  The packages you declare "internal" are not what you think they are.

sidhekin@bluebird[07:57:50]~$ perl -le '$t{ __PACKAGE__ }++; print keys %t;'
sidhekin@bluebird[07:57:52]~$ perl -le '$t{ +__PACKAGE__ }++; print keys
sidhekin@bluebird[07:57:53]~$ perl -le '$t{ (__PACKAGE__) }++; print keys

  Careful with those barewords, now. ;-)


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