
Let's say I have a CPAN distribution called Foo:


        package Foo;

And suppose the distribution includes:

        package Foo::Bar;

        sub mysub { print "hello, world!\n" }

I would like callers to be able to import mysub() with a traditional 'use' statement and import list:


        use strict;
        use warnings;

        use Foo         qw( mysub );


If mysub() were in Foo, I would know how to accomplish the goal with Exporter, @Foo::Export_OK, etc.. But because mysub() is in Foo::Bar, I don't think the traditional approach will work. RTFM Exporter makes me wonder if I should write Foo::import() and call Exporter::export_to_level() (?).

Bonus question:

        use Foo         qw( :all );

What is the best way to accomplish the goal?



p.s. My motivation for this question is as follows -- I am writing some exception throwing code that calls Carp::confess() internally and would like to apply the %Carp::Internal feature so that the error messages the user sees start at the point where they called my code, not where my code calls confess(). I don't what to put my whole distribution package into %Carp::Internal, so I'm thinking I'll put the throwing subroutines into their own package and put that package name into %Carp::Internal.

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