From:  Eirik Berg Hanssen <>
Reply-To:  <>
Date:  Mon, 7 Nov 2011 21:39:15 +0100
To:  Bob Parker <>
Cc:  Shlomi Fish <>, Perl Module Authors List
Subject:  Re: New module naming

> On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 9:28 PM, Bob Parker <> wrote:
>> In this particular case, pretty much everyone clearly understood that what
>> was given was a GENERIC EXAMPLE, not real code. It didn't call for code
>> review, comment or criticism on the use of variables or their naming. What
>> was requested was feedback on the naming of the MODULE.
>   If we're still talking about the "generic example":
>   Publically available code with lexical $a or $b should always come with a
> "don't do this (unless you know why you should not do this)" warning.
>   Then again, if we're now talking about "what was requested", I'll just note
> that your opinion of Shlomi Fish was not.

Perhaps you are a fan of the guy, perhaps not - I don't know you.

What I do know is that for the past several years, I have seen what should
have been basic and common sense discussions degenerate into personality
wars because of Shlomi Fish. So sue me if I have the balls to call him out
on it. Note that I was not the first, I simply elaborated on someone else's

Frankly, I am tired of so many on this list acting like children. Me, me, me
instead of perl, perl, perl. People getting blacklisted because they dare to
speak their minds. Others, with totally valid and valuable contributions
being totally ignored because their ideas are not popular.

I *thought* that we had gone beyond this petty stuff. Clearly I was was

> Eirik

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