* Bob Parker <b...@perldevgeek.com> [2011-11-07 22:15]:
> Perhaps you are a fan of the guy, perhaps not - I don't know you.

Perhaps it doesn’t even matter.

Perhaps you can be a decent person to someone you dislike.

> What I do know is that for the past several years, I have seen what
> should have been basic and common sense discussions degenerate into
> personality wars because of Shlomi Fish. So sue me if I have the balls
> to call him out on it. Note that I was not the first, I simply
> elaborated on someone else's comment.

No. You had the no-balls to come out behind someone else and follow up
on an apology by beating on him some more.

Congratulations, I hope you’re proud.

> Frankly, I am tired of so many on this list acting like children. Me,
> me, me instead of perl, perl, perl. People getting blacklisted because
> they dare to speak their minds. Others, with totally valid and
> valuable contributions being totally ignored because their ideas are
> not popular.
> I *thought* that we had gone beyond this petty stuff. Clearly I was was
> wrong.

Pot, kettle.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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