I am against the 'if I die' part. As we are all communication over the net,
it is very difficult to know why a person have stopped responding.
And it make the statement a bit scary.


On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 1:22 AM, Neil Bowers <n...@bowers.com> wrote:

> One of the problems I see with CPAN is that there are many modules
> which have been left unattended. Many of these have outstanding bugs,
> and a good number have patches and forked versions, some of which you can
> find on RT. You'll also find people offering to take over the
> maintainership
> of modules. While reviewing modules I've identified a lot of fixes, and
> documentation improvements, but it can take a lot of effort to get them
> out.
> If the author or current maintainer of a module is unresponsive, there's
> a well-defined, but lengthy, process to request co-maintainership.
> There are good reasons for this -- I'll assume you've read them.
> But in reality, plenty of authors lose interest
> To make life easier for the perl modules cabal, how about a voluntary
> pledge[*], which module authors can take publically, and in particular
> can take to modu...@perl.org. I'll be emailing the following to
> modu...@perl.org:
>    I hereby give modu...@perl.org permission to grant co-maintainership
>    to any of my modules, if the following conditions are met:
>    (1) I haven't released the module for a year or more
>    (2) There are outstanding issues on RT which need addressing
>    (3) Email to my CPAN email address hasn't been answered after a month
>    (4) The requester wants to make worthwhile changes that will benefit
>    Should I die, then the time-limits in (1) and (3) do not apply.
> This means it will be archived, and easily accessed. I'll put this in the
> README for my modules.
> If others, and particularly the modules cabal, think this is a good idea,
> maybe we could have a canonical place this this, which can be easily
> referred to. Perhaps PAUSE could let me record it, so there's one place
> the modules cabal can check? Or you could put it in module metadata?
> So, what do y'all think?
> Neil,
> in the light of recent discussions, donning flame-retardent long-johns.
> [*] I tried to come up with a catchy name for this, but failed. Ideas?

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