On 11/10/2011 9:33 PM, David Nicol wrote:
I think this is not necessary at all. I think you have pretty much described the current standards for granting takeover. I think the barrier to making local forks is already very low and there is no reason to switch the whole thing to Git.

Yeah, that was my impression as well. I've observed take-overs here, and they pretty much are exactly the same procedure -- "Hey, is John Doe-Smith still working on his modules? No? The can you grant co-maintenance to Jane Roe-Jones?" (Granted with more-back-and-forth than that, but it still isn't new.)

Really, the only thing that could help with the current situation is a direct contact number, and I don't see that happening.

(For what it's worth, having gone through a similar situation when my mother passed away recently, I'm setting up a list of accounts to be mailed if I get hit by a bus for my brother and sister, but that's about the only change I'm making right now.)

I think CPAN is fine as it is.

Oh, I can think of some changes. But they're not relevant to the discussion here.


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