Hello people of module-authors!

I have been working on a module which will allow one to do some relatively advanced storage and lookup mechanisms
on pure Perl object references.

The features are as follows:

1) Use perl objects as keys.
2) You may choose whether the database will retain a strong or
    weak reference to either the key or the value
3) You may store a single value under multiple keys; keys may be of mixed type 4) Reference keys and objects may optionally be deleted when their referrant objects are destroyed 5) Store multiple value objects under 'tags' or 'attributes', these tags themselves may be either
    strings or references
6) Multiple deletion options, delete all keys/attributes
    by a value, delete a value by any given key, delete
any values for a given attribute, delete an attribute lookup, dissociate an attribute from
    a value
7) Elegant debugging/dumping information, showing a lower level view of the lookup table 8) Uniform API with two currently implemented backends (one is my XS code, other uses Variable::Magic) 9) Unlike Hash::Util::FieldHash, this module will work with perl 5.8.8 (the version used in EL5-based distributions) 10) Decent speed, using an intel xeon E5520 CPU, i was able to acheive 200k store/sec for string keys, 150k store/sec for object keys, and 50k store/sec for attribute lookups. At best this is still a good 6-7 times slower than a normal perl hash, but is still

An example usage module (poco-keepalive) is available here:

Implementation details ae here:

Basic API interface is here:

and of course, you should be able to determine where the rest of the stuff is, if you wish to look into it a bit more.

Anyway, the question I wish to ask is in respect to naming this module;
I have had several ideas for naming this, all which are unacceptable;
The current name (Hash::Registry) was randomly chosen when this project was still just hoping to be some kind of tied hash

Another idea was Data::Registry or Object::Registry, but this makes the module sound like it's dealing with actual 'data' rather than perl references, while the emphasis is very much on opaque perl references (such as globrefs, etc.) rather than even trying to make an attempt to deal with actual 'data' (that is, serialization, inspection of object methods etc. etc.).

Another name that came up was Data::RefDB, which is a bit inelegant, and sadly, anything with the name 'DB' in it seems to imply something of an RDBMS or at least something with serializing and persistent storage (while my module wants nothing to do with either).

The name that's been sticking with me for a while has been 'Prod', or Perl Reference Object Database. But, it's a top-level namespace and someone commented that it gives the impression of having something to do with POD, so I'm quite lost.

Another thing to note is that I will probably want to publish a few more modules under this namespace; at least one comes to mind, and that is ::Trigger, which will provide a common PP and XS interface for performing various actions on C<free> magic, such as calling a CV, deleting a hash entry or array element, or even calling a C function (the XS implementation already provides the API and I just need to tidy it up a bit), and would be a far higher performing substitute for common cases of DESTROY




    my $table = Hash::Registry->new();

Store a value under a simple string key, maintain the value as a weak reference.
The string key will be deleted when the value is destroyed:

    $table->store("key", $object);

Store C<$object> under a second index (C<$fh>), which is a globref;
C<$fh> will automatically be garbage collected when C<$object> is destroyed.

        open my $fh, ">", "/foo/bar";
        $table->store($fh, $object, StrongKey => 1);
    # $fh still exists with a sole reference remaining in the table

Register an attribute type (C<foo_files>), and tag C<$fh> as being one of C<$foo_files>,
C<$fh> is still dependent on C<$object>

    # assume $fh is still in scope

    $table->store_a(1, "foo_files", $fh);

Store another C<foo_file>

    open my $fh2, ">", "/foo/baz"
    $table->store_a(1, "foo_files", $fh);
# $fh2 will automatically be deleted from the table when it goes out of scope
    # because we did not specify StrongKey

Get all C<foo_file>s

    my @foo_files = $table->fetch_a(1, "foo_files");

    # @foo_files contains ($fh, $fh2);

Get rid of C<$object>. This can be done in one of the following ways:

    # Implicit garbage collection
    undef $object;

    # Delete by value

    # Delete by key ($fh is still stored under the foo_keys attribute)

    # remove each key for the $object value
    $table->unlink($fh); #fh still exists under "foo" files

Get rid of C<foo_file> entries

    # delete, by attribute
    $table->purgeby_a(1, "foo_files");

    # delete a single attribute from all entries
    $table->unlink_a(1, "foo_files");

    # dissociate the 'foo_files' attribtue from each entry
    $table->dissoc_a(1, "foo_files", $fh);
    $table->dissoc_a(1, "foo_files", $fh2);

    # implicit garbage collection:
    undef $fh;
    undef $fh2;

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