
So, I know how to turn "36" into "thirty-six" (Lingua::EN::Numbers) and "22" into "twenty-second" (ditto), and "3/4" into "three quarters" (Lingua::EN::Fractions) and even "1994" into "nineteen ninety-four" (Lingua::EN::Numbers::Years). What I actually _want_, though, is to turn "In 1994, on the 22nd of February, 3/4 of the 36 members were present" into "In nineteen ninety-four, on the twenty-second of February, three quarters of the thirty-six members were present".

So, before I go and write that myself, does anyone know of an existing module that I missed somehow? Also, if anyone wanted to weigh in on a good name for such a module, I'll happily entertain suggestions. :-)

                -- Buddy

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