--As of July 10, 2014 1:32:23 PM -0700, Buddy Burden is alleged to have said:


So, I know how to turn "36" into "thirty-six" (Lingua::EN::Numbers)
and "22" into "twenty-second" (ditto), and "3/4" into "three
quarters" (Lingua::EN::Fractions) and even "1994" into "nineteen
ninety-four" (Lingua::EN::Numbers::Years).  What I actually _want_,
though, is to turn "In 1994, on the 22nd of February, 3/4 of the 36
members were present" into "In nineteen ninety-four, on the
twenty-second of February, three quarters of the thirty-six members
were present".

So, before I go and write that myself, does anyone know of an
existing module that I missed somehow?  Also, if anyone wanted to
weigh in on a good name for such a module, I'll happily entertain
suggestions. :-)

You should be able to use Lingua::EN::FindNumber for this, with a while
loop and s///g.  Plus, it's just been recently adopted by Neil Bowers!

Actually, it looks like Lingua::EN::FindNumber finds the word versions of
numbers, which is different than what I aim to accomplish.

(I find that looking at the PAUSE index directly is usually the fastest
way to find things - I searched for lingua.*number in my editor and it
popped right out.)

What I did was use MetaCPAN's handy "Reverse dependencies" link, figuring
that any module that does what I want would necessarily depend on
Lingua::EN::Numbers.  I didn't see anything in that list, but of course
the link isn't 100% reliable, and I suppose there might be something
which doesn't rely on the obvious choice for a foundational module.

Plus I thought it would be useful to solicit opinions on naming. :-)

--As for the rest, it is mine.

My suggestions:


I'd lean towards ::Combined and allowing the user to specify what sub-functions they want to be using. (Base numbers and fractions? Years and base numbers? etc.)

The idea behind the names of course being that you are combining the functionality of Lingua::EN::Numbers* modules into one module/API, and not necessarily actually presenting any new functionality.

Daniel T. Staal

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