> On Sep 10, 2016, at 7:11 PM, L. A. Walsh <perl-didd...@tlinx.org> wrote:
> Olaf Alders wrote:
>> This has been in MetaCPAN since early times, so I'm guessing maybe 5 years 
>> that it has been around?  It's a bit late to just back out of the change.  
>> I'd rather get consensus on how to improve it rather than to gut it 
>> entirely, unless there's consensus on just removing it.
> ----
>   Well considering it's, _essentially_, "corrupt" data, any use of it is 
> likely to lead to incorrect results. 
> That doesn't seem like something that should be kept active.  If nothing
> else, it will draw attention from those using to the problems and motivate
> coming up with a fixed/better solution.
> Besides,  It's not like it is a feature in perl; the main request, at this
> point,  was to hide cpan.search.org's use of it until the problems are
> sorted out. 

If you're looking to patch search.cpan.org, that's an entirely different 
matter. I don't know what the process is for patching that site.


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