Moving this question to module-authors as per David G.'s feedback.

I was looking for available mail-filtering, aka Milter, mods, and
came across Mail-Milter.

I noticed it has 1 review rating it a single *.  and it wanted to
know if the review was helpful -- and it wasn't --
as it doesn't say *what* version the review was about.

The reviews seem to be generally "worthless", if they don't
tell me which version is being reviewed.  A comment about a module
from V0.0.1 isn't very useful for a module at version 2.3.7 (as a
randomly chosen example).

This brings up a few requests/ideas for improvement:

1) Could the version number a review refers to be included?

For comments already posted, either, mark them as too old to
to have included the reviewed version, OR, *IF* the date
of the review is known (it probably should be included in the
review anyway), then match it to the highest version before
the review was added.

2) There should be a way of "closing out" reviews that would have
really been better placed as bugs or RFE's, that have been addressed
(i.e. bug-fixed, or feature-added, etc...).

As it stands now, reviews don't say anything about current versions
and for "bug-fix" reviews, there's no way to indicate the bug was
fixed and the review doesn't apply to a more current version.  There
is also no way to respond to a review to mention that anything has changed
or been fixed.  Any response ends up as another, _unconnected_ comment --
not very useful.

Thoughts?  Ideas/feedback?

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