# from Julian Mehnle
# on Tuesday 28 November 2006 10:44 am:

>The 'Global symbol "$VAR1" requires explicit package name' message is
> the recurring pattern.

>A user of my package found out that the problem could be avoided by
>changing _build/build_params to say '$main::VAR1' instead of '$VAR1'.
>   Again, I couldn't reproduce it myself.

This sounds like a Data::Dumper issue of some sort.  My build_params 
doesn't have "$VAR =".  Anyway, the choke point appears to be:

  my $ref = eval do {local $/; <$fh>};

I'm not seeing any changes to that construct in recent (since 
r4079) history.

But, it appears that $Data::Dumper::Terse = 0 causes it to emit output 
which doesn't pass strict, so I'm guessing Build.PL ran with an old 
M::B version, then CPAN upgraded M::B and the existing build_params 
caused the trip-up.  Or, is there something weird happening with the 
Makefile.PL dance?

Safe to just do this?
  my $ref = do {no strict qw(vars); eval do { local $/; <$fh>}};

Though I'm not seeing where the params got dumped with the leading 
"$VAR=" bit, so I have to wonder if it was something in CPANPLUS or 
some odd situation on that box.

But as soon as you hear the Doppler shift dropping in pitch, you know
that they're probably going to miss your house, because if they were on
a collision course with your house, the pitch would stay the same until
impact. As I said, that's one's subtle.
--Larry Wall

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