demerphq wrote:
>> If that's the case, perhaps the docs for Terse could use stronger language.
>> Right now it's a little obtuse.
>> ·   $Data::Dumper::Terse  or  $OBJ−>Terse([NEWVAL])
>> When set, Data::Dumper will emit single, non‐self‐referential
>> values as atoms/terms rather than statements.  This means that the
>> $VARn names will be avoided where possible, but be advised that
>> such output may not always be parseable by "eval".
>> Something like B<don't use this to serialize data in production!>
> I guess. To me thats obvious given the <but be advised that
> such output may not always be parseable by "eval">

Yeah, but you wrote a Dumper. :)

Terse shows up in a bunch of examples, perhaps it should be removed from them?

I have a date with some giant cartoon robots and booze.

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