# from Randy W. Sims
# on Sunday 15 April 2007 01:57 pm:

>To remain compatible with perl 5.005, you have to limit it to just 2
>levels of heading.

Good.  After thinking a bit, the head[34] stuff just made more 
inconsistencies possible anyway, so I'm glad to kill it.

So, that's done.  You can now document build actions with =item or 

There's even a test for the previously uncovered code.  I'm a bit sad 
about the difficulty of re-creating a build subclass in a single 
process (have to go smash the symbol-table for the subclass between 
tests), but that's a discussion I'll have to have with DistGen.pm on 
another day.

Like a lot of people, I was mathematically abused as a child.
--Paul Graham

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