I think we've got some semblance of a plan forming.  Now we just need to 
get all of the players involved and do it, right?

  1.  CPAN(PLUS) needs-upgrade self-awareness
  2.  configure_requires in META.yml
        (and support in M::B, M::I, CPAN(PLUS))
  3.  create_makefile_pl => 'obsoleted'

# from Adam Kennedy on Wednesday 23 May 2007 04:27 am:
>Eric Wilhelm wrote:  >>So, wouldn't the answer be "upgrade CPAN"?
>However, it's only a reasonable answer if it's a one-off action, which
>currently it is not.

Exactly.  We just need CPAN(PLUS) to know they need to upgrade.  After 
the day those are published and mirrored, it is a one-off action.

>The second half of the upgrade work is to allow the CPAN repository to
>communicate to the CPAN client (by a mechanism that's basically "a
> file" but is still not fully defined) that it is incompatibly out of
> date.

I think that's the primary requisite bit for CPAN(PLUS).  The clients 
need to upgrade themselves.

We can't exactly configure_requires CPAN+CPANPLUS for Module::Build 
(well, we can, but a "you must install both" could be somewhat 

As for the mechanism, wouldn't a "major version bump" be sufficient 
notice to cause CPAN(PLUS) to upgrade?  The mechanics for distributing 
that information are already there.

>> So, given all of that, my preferred compatibility Makefile.PL is
>> like:
>Some suitably blessed and battle-ready variant of that snippit would
>probably be the best solution for educating the user about the need to
>PLEASE don't start doing this until configure_requires is added to
>META.yaml (and can we please do this someone, I think everyone is
> happy at this point) and implemented in both CPAN clients.


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--Ronald Reagan

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