Eric Wilhelm wrote:
# from Adam Kennedy
# on Tuesday 31 July 2007 06:50 pm:

Now, for more advanced stuff, like testing/retesting, these can be

I'm thinking specifically of "extended testing". That is, you need Test::HTTP::Server::Simple to test the networked part of dotReader, but it is not required for "normal" operation.

In the more general case, I'm wondering what would be the best way to communicate "extended testing" dependencies to cpan-testers, etc.

Maybe this goes beyond META.yml though. Build.PL should just claim to have extra build_requires dependencies if $ENV{PERL_AUTHOR_TESTING}?


The recommended environment variable is $ENV{AUTOMATED_TESTING} or $ENV{PERL_AUTHOR_TESTING}.

CPAN Testers sets this $ENV{AUTOMATED_TESTING} to true when running.

There's quite a few modules that do things like install SQLite and run extra tests if AUTOMATED_TESTING is true.

From memory, I also do things like have the PPI fuzz testing run for 100 times longer than for a user install. It's about 5 seconds for the user, but it runs for 5-10 minutes in automated testing.

Adam K

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