
I am making my first steps with Module::Build. Maybe I haven't read the
large amount of docs thoroughly enough. But how do I say something like
the following to Module::Build?

dist => {
  PREOP => './mk_README.sh',
  COMPRESS => 'gzip -9f',
sub MY::postamble {
return <<'EOF';
rpm: dist
        $(PERL) -i -pe 's/^(Version:\s*).*/$${1}$(VERSION)/' 
        rpmbuild -ba perl-IO-Handle-Record.spec

I want it to do 3 things:

    * use gzip -9f instead of simple gzip
    * create a README file during ./Build dist using the mk_README.sh
      script and
    * add the equivalent of a make target to create an RPM

Is that possible?

For the first problem I found a workaround. gzip respects the GZIP 
environment variable. So I subclass Module::Build:

use strict;
use warnings;
use Module::Build;

my $builder = Module::Build->subclass
   code => q{


Is that the way to do it? I believe there must be a better way!

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