On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 5:09 AM, Torsten Foertsch
> By the way, you haven't answered my initial question. What is
> the "right" way to do that in M::B?

This is Perl, so TIMTOWTDI.

Personally, I generally only override ACTION_ subroutines.  If I need
code from a private subroutine, I cut/paste it.  That insulates me
from future M::B changes to internal functions.

I have dozens of modules that generate external .pod files from
simpler markup in the .pm files.  If you look at
http://search.cpan.org/dist/Pod-WikiDoc/ and read the
Pod::WikiDoc::Cookbook file, you'll see an example of a Build.PL that
creates a subclass to do this.

However, rather than do that in Build.PL itself, I now usually create
the subclass in inc/Module/Build/WikiDoc.pm and just load that from
Build.PL.  That keeps my Build.PL uncluttered.  You can see an example
of how I do that in http://search.cpan.org/dist/CPAN-Mini-Devel/

-- David

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