Here are the results. Of the 2700+ dists in Eric's list, about 20 had
different results.  Unfortunately, I didn't think to stop my mirror from
replicating and some of these are from a new version of Moose with
incompatible changes.  In any case, nothing went from "pass" to "unknown"
which would be indicative of a Build.PL failure.  And some "unknown" grades
became "pass" which is good.  ("discard" means the report didn't get
generated, mostly likely due to prereq failures).

So I think that 0.30 can set sail!

-- David

 0.2808_01  0.2808_05 Distribution
   unknown       pass ABI-1.0
   discard       fail Agent-TCLI-0.032
   discard       fail Agent-TCLI-0.02
      fail       pass Business-LCCN-0.12
      pass    discard Carp-Clan-Share-0.012
      pass    discard Catalyst-Plugin-UserAgent-0.01
      pass    discard DBIx-Class-WebForm-0.02
      pass    discard DBIx-Connect-FromConfig-0.04
   unknown       pass DBIx-DataModel-0.35
      pass       fail File-Stat-Moose-0.02
   discard       pass HTML-GenToc-3.00
   discard       pass khatgallery-0.03
   unknown       pass HTML-LinkList-0.1501
      pass    discard IO-Moose-0.05
      pass       fail MooseX-Params-Validate-0.05
   discard       fail SQLite-Work-0.1001
   unknown       pass Text-NeatTemplate-0.08
      fail       pass WWW-Shorten-2.01
   discard       pass WWW-Shorten-Smallr-0.01

On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 12:30 AM, Eric Wilhelm
> # from David Golden
> # on Sunday 21 September 2008 19:58:
>>Not sure if you want to wait or not, but there was a request for
>>something a bit more structured and I wanted to let you know that it's
>>in progress.
> I can wait.  Thank you.
> --Eric
> --
> But you can never get 3n from n, ever, and if you think you can, please
> email me the stock ticker of your company so I can short it.
> --Joel Spolsky
> ---------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------------

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