# from John Peacock
# on Thursday 25 September 2008:

>Since you're still smoking CPAN, this may not be too late.

Thanks John.  I think we are actually done testing though.

Could somebody check and apply this please?

Does that mean we'll have to ship another round of alpha?

John, is there a test to go with this or is the coverage in the version 
dist?  Any reason that this would break our fully-tested status?

I was going to push the 0.3 button on Tuesday but Schwern's max() method 
in Base.pm bothers me and I don't have time to write code and tests 
right now.

Maybe I didn't say "code freeze" or just don't have the authority to 
match the responsibility which I feel I would be assuming -- I don't 
want to feel like I have to drop everything and triage the CPAN because 
we missed something, so I take the smoke testing very seriously.  Or 
maybe I'm just burnt out.  Anyway, I don't have any more time for 
Module::Build at the moment.

"It is a mistake to allow any mechanical object to realize that you are 
in a hurry."
--Ralph's Observation

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