David E. Wheeler wrote:
> On Sep 27, 2008, at 19:28, Eric Wilhelm wrote:
>> I don't think I've ever gotten perltidy to do what I want.

Well, what do you want?  Maybe we can figure it out.

>> I'm also not
>> looking forward to having a "we needed to run perltidy" discontinuity
>> in `svn blame` -- does '-w' work for that or is there some way around
>> that?
> I don't understand the question.

A blanket indentation change like running perltidy for the first time creates
a "history sheer", all lines will have been changed at that revision.  So when
you run "svn blame" you don't see the last significant change, you see when
perltidy was run.  It's annoying and means you have to do more manually
history searches.

Fortunately, svn blame can take diff arguments!  I did not know this.
svn blame -x '-buw' will work to ignore whitspace.

So we have a solution to ignore history sheer.  I'm also looking at some SVN
GUIs to see if any of them have an annotate browser like the Perl Repository
Browser does.

>> BTW, the emacs/vim lines at the start of the file should be an indicator
>> as to how things are intended to be, but I'm not sure we ever even got
>> emacs to pay any attention to them, let alone textmate or notepad or
>> whatever.
> It always prompts me, but doesn't seem to make any difference.

Yeah, it doesn't do anything for me either.  Probably need to frobnitz the
right variables.

> Um, can we have --indent-columns 4 please? And no tabs? Also,
> ---maximum-line-length=78 is probably the minimum it should be, not 72.

Agreed, this is all for naught if it's not set at some semi-standard style.

91. I am not authorized to initiate Jihad.
    -- The 213 Things Skippy Is No Longer Allowed To Do In The U.S. Army

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