On Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 10:24 AM, Elliot Shank <p...@galumph.com> wrote:

> This works with 0.33 but fails with 0.34 because the test_files()
> parameters are directories:
>   sub ACTION_authortest {
>       my ($self) = @_;
>       $self->test_files( qw< t xt/author > );
>       $self->recursive_test_files(1);
>       $self->depends_on('test');
>       return;
>   } # end ACTION_authortest()
> Given the documentation for test_files(), the 0.34 behavior is correct.  I
> could invoke find_test_files() myself, but that isn't public API.  Is there
> a simple way of doing this?

My view has always been that you're probably safe using undocumented
functions that aren't prefixed with an underscore.  I suspect a lot of them
were just the result of various refactorings that never got properly

But looking at the code I think it should work as you expect.  I just did a
test copying your subroutine into a custom M::B subclass and it worked fine.

Could you please post the output you're seeing?

And please confirm that xt/author exists and has *.t files?  I tried it both
with *.t files only in xt and then in xt/author and saw what I expected.

-- David

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