# from Dave Rolsky
# on Friday 11 September 2009 11:03:

>In theory, it sounds good. I do wonder if this would require _always_
>generating the manifest a the same time though.
>I do find having the generated files in the regular dir annoying,
> because then I have to tell my VCS to ignore them.

I actually prefer to check-in the MANIFEST because that gives me a diff 
each time it is generated, which catches bugs in MANIFEST.SKIP.  
Otherwise, I guess I would have to somehow review what went into the 
package and that would interrupt my release workflow.  (I know, David 
didn't say anything about MANIFEST, but some people have mentioned 
wanting it in $distdir IIRC.)

There is some friction from META.yml being created in $source 
though -- ./Build manifest has to be run with some baggage to get 
consistent results (to avoid spurious diffs/commits.)

So it would actually clean that up to have META.yml, README, LICENSE, 
and Makefile.PL created in $distdir.

"I've often gotten the feeling that the only people who have learned
from computer assisted instruction are the authors."
--Ben Schneiderman

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