Hi John

Quoting "John Peacock" <john.peac...@havurah-software.org>:

Eric Wilhelm wrote:
Sounds like you need something like a metafile for each plugin (a mini manifest) which M::B can use to resolve which plugin is needed at that point. Would those meta files be included in the M::B bundle or be available at a well-known location (e.g. CPAN)? The former requires a lot more cooperation if multiple authors are generating plugins. The latter requires net access during the install (which probably should not be considered to be an absolute blocker in this day and age).

I've just left a job after 3 years, where there was no possibility of net access during installs.

It's not an unusual situation, e.g. at my new job we use Debian packages to install modules. How would they be linked to plugins?

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