On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 1:42 PM, Eric Wilhelm <enoba...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This has triggered my semi-biyearly ponderance of plugins.  I
> think "tools for authors" should be doable outside of M::B.  And/or
> more easily customized than via subclassing, plus more easily shared
> between distributions than via copy+paste.

I'm working somewhat half-heartedly in my dead time in airports and
what not on what I'm calling Acme::Module::Build::Tiny -- a
minimalistic implementation of the "Build.PL protocol".  I'm using it
as a thought experiment to formalize and write up the protocol -- what
CPAN/CPAN should expect to happen and be supported.

It's kind of fun -- it's about 130 SLOC and is almost at the point
where it's fully capable of installing itself.  The .pm file is a
modulino that gets copied to become Build.  Plus it auto-bundles
itself in inc/.  And Build.PL is just "use lib 'inc'; use

Anyway, when that's done, I think I'll have a clearer sense of what in
M::B is really "core" and what is "author support".  That said,
plugins are probably not on my radar in the next year.  But maybe my
definition of a standard protocol for Build.PL will help you.


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