# from Tim Landscheidt
# on Tuesday 29 December 2009 20:03:

>> You're looking for File::ShareDir and the share_dir parameter, which
>> was added in the just-released Module::Build 0.36.
>As Module::Build is a core module, it is quite a pain to up-
>date in my distribution.

Would it be easier if we removed it from the core?

>I stopped after building packages
>for ExtUtils::CBuilder and ExtUtils::ParseXS when a requirement for
>ExtUtils::Manifest 1.54 (with 1.51 already installed) would have meant
>a rebuild of ExtUtils::MakeMaker. There's just too much stuff that
>could break silently along the way.

What version of ExtUtils::MakeMaker are you running?

Meanwhile... what module in this chain is requiring a new MakeMaker?

Now, it might be that you need a new MakeMaker to make your CPAN client 
happy or something but you shouldn't need one to upgrade Module::Build.

By the way, if any of the stuff mentioned above breaks, it breaks 
*everything* for *everybody* so you really shouldn't be afraid to 
upgrade it all early and often.

"But as to modern architecture, let us drop it and let us take
modernistic out and shoot it at sunrise."
--F.L. Wright

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