Eric Wilhelm <> wrote:

>>> You're looking for File::ShareDir and the share_dir parameter, which
>>> was added in the just-released Module::Build 0.36.

>>As Module::Build is a core module, it is quite a pain to up-
>>date in my distribution.

> Would it be easier if we removed it from the core?

I don't think so; IMHO the problem lies more with the dis-
tribution. I'll explain below.

>>I stopped after building packages
>>for ExtUtils::CBuilder and ExtUtils::ParseXS when a requirement for
>>ExtUtils::Manifest 1.54 (with 1.51 already installed) would have meant
>>a rebuild of ExtUtils::MakeMaker. There's just too much stuff that
>>could break silently along the way.

> What version of ExtUtils::MakeMaker are you running?


> Meanwhile... what module in this chain is requiring a new MakeMaker?

IIRC Module::Build itself due to its requirement for
ExtUtils::Manifest; after another look that may be due to a
bug (?) in cpanspec however that translates Module::Build's

| [...]
| recommends:
| [...]
|   ExtUtils::Manifest: 1.54
| [...]
| requires:
| [...]
|   ExtUtils::Manifest: 0
| [...]


| [...]
| BuildRequires:  perl(ExtUtils::Manifest) >= 1.54
| [...]
| Requires:       perl(ExtUtils::Manifest) >= 1.54
| [...]

I'll give it another try next year :-).

> Now, it might be that you need a new MakeMaker to make your CPAN client
> happy or something but you shouldn't need one to upgrade Module::Build.

I usually try to use RPMs whenever possible as it makes
software management much easier than using a separate CPAN

> By the way, if any of the stuff mentioned above breaks, it breaks
> *everything* for *everybody* so you really shouldn't be afraid to
> upgrade it all early and often.

There are two aspects to this: Fedora (11; maybe 12 is all
peachy) packs the Perl core distribution in many packages
(i. e. RPMs). ExtUtils::Manifest is part of the
perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker RPM (and apparently also CPAN's
ExtUtils-MakeMaker-6.56.tar.gz?); so to update
ExtUtils::Manifest requires either building a new
perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker RPM or splitting it into two sepa-
rate RPMs for perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker and (an updated)

  The other side is that the build of those RPMs happens in
the way that the build environment is set up, 70 patches are
applied (including 5000+ lines for Module::Build), every-
thing is compiled and afterwards the results are split into
about 40 separate RPMs. So to create an update for, say,
Module::Build 0.3601, if you just use cpanspec or similar to
create an RPM spec, you'd have to make sure that you repli-
cate any distribution-specific patches and other voodoo that
the core SRPM provides. This requires much more expertise
than updating a stand-alone package that is not intertwined
with the core and I'd fear that otherwise wrong paths and
the like were used that would not make themselves heard im-

  Ideally, therefore the RPM maintainers (who know their
stuff) would provide updated RPMs for core modules, at least
the important ones. Unfortunately, this does not seem to be
too much fun :-).


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