To clarify - the real issue with M::B::Compat in passthrough mode is that we
have to emulate the api perfectly and that's a big source of bugs.


On Jan 23, 2010 5:46 PM, "Marvin Humphrey" <> wrote:


I've offered passthrough Makefile.PLs on my Module::Build-based distros for
the last few years, and they seem to have done what I needed them to do:
Makefile.PL loyalists from taking up my time with complaints.

However, I recently saw this on cpan-testers-discuss from David Golden:

   Module::Build::Compat must die.

I've got a distro that requires Perl 5.8.3 or greater that's currently got a
passthrough Makefile.PL.  Should I zap it?  Would that help anyone out, at
cost of possibly bringing up the noise floor by some unknown amount on my
support lists?

Marvin Humphrey

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